Insurance Solutions for Entrepreneurs in Las Vegas, Nevada

As an entrepreneur in Las Vegas, Nevada, it is important to be aware of the different types of insurance available to safeguard your business. Professional Liability Insurance can help cover any errors or mistakes in the services you provide. A Business Owners Policy (BOP) is a combination of business property and liability insurance in one package. Supplemental insurance increases the coverage of your general liability insurance, commercial auto insurance, and employer liability insurance when the underlying policy reaches its limit.

All business-owned vehicles in Nevada must be covered by commercial auto insurance. This policy covers the cost of accidents involving work vehicles. Although not mandatory, personal vehicles that are used for work purposes must be covered by rental and not owned car insurance (HNOA), since personal auto policies usually exclude commercial use. It can be added to general liability insurance or a Business Owners Policy (BOP). Contractors often need to have general liability insurance or bonds to perform certain types of work. Having the right insurance and bonds helps you meet state licensing requirements.

General liability coverage, also known as business liability or commercial general liability, is an essential form of small business insurance in Nevada. It can help pay for the medical costs, damages, and expenses of a lawsuit if a non-employee claims that your company caused an injury or property damage. Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance, sometimes referred to as professional liability insurance, is common for professional services in Nevada. Most companies in the State of Nevada require several types of policies to protect themselves in different situations. For example, a four-person trucking company in Las Vegas may need general liability insurance in case it causes damage or injury to property, commercial auto insurance to protect its vehicles, and workers' compensation coverage for when equipment is injured on the job.

Business insurance can be affordable for small business owners in Las Vegas and other parts of the state. If you work in an industry that is more likely to cause injury or damage property, you'll spend more on small business insurance in Nevada. For instance, a customer at a small cafe in Las Vegas accuses a waiter of having spilled a boiling cup of coffee on his arm and seeks medical attention. On the other hand, a Boulder City accountant will likely need professional liability coverage if you are accused of making a professional mistake that causes financial loss, and commercial property insurance to protect your commercial property and the building you own. Insurance companies offer commercial coverage in customized packages, which can be tailored to the needs of Nevada business owners. With the right coverage, entrepreneurs in Las Vegas can protect their businesses from potential risks and liabilities.